Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards ― Søren Kierkegaard
August 17, 2009
Mimpi makan nasik lauk gulai daging, siap ngan ubi kentang. Yang mama masak. Dengan rambut yang serabai tak ikat, sampai nak makan2 rambut sekali.
Dua malam lepas.
Mimpi naik roller-coaster. Dan mmg boleh rase adrenaline rush.
Malam-malam yang dulu.
Mimpi makan keropok lekor.
Makan kuah bistik.
Mi goreng.
Oh apekah semua ini??
August 14, 2009
Dalam setiap sepiku, kuterdengar bicaramu
Dalam setiap khayalku, kuterbayang kelibatmu
Dalam setiap geriku, kuterasa pandanganmu
Dalam setiap dukaku, kuterima doamu
Dalam setiap juangku, kutahu sokongmu
Dan aku ingin selalu di sampingmu
Walau terkadang kita terpisah
Namun denganmu adalah indah
Dan saat itu pasti datang
Untuk mempertemukan kita
Dan seperti lazimnya
Riak kegembiraanku tidak terserlah semuanya
Begitu juga denganmu
Namun kita tahu
Kasih yang kita rasa
Mama, aku rindu..
August 12, 2009
Suuuratkhabar mana~~
It happened when we came across this article in Utusan, entitled
6 kesalahan besar dilakukan semasa berpacaran.
After reading it along with our laughters (the article was funny and shallow), my friend and I couldn't stop making fun of it.
"2. Keluar bersama teman-teman dengan harapan bertemu lelaki pujaan.
Apabila bersama teman-teman khususnya wanita, anda sebenarnya tidak akan didekati oleh lelaki. Sebabnya, lelaki bujang sebenarnya amat penakut. Ada teori menyatakan bahawa wanita yang keluar secara berkumpulan tidak akan menarik perhatian kaum lelaki.
Lelaki yang mempunyai kualiti tidak akan menghampiri kumpulan wanita tersebut dan kemudian mengajak anda keluar dengannya di hadapan teman-teman anda. Lelaki seperti itu tidak akan berani melakukannya. Jadi idea paling baik, keluarlah bersendirian.
Pilihlah meja terbaik untuk menikmati makanan atau minuman sambil membaca buku kegemaran anda. Berpura-pura anda sedang sibuk. Keadaan itu sebenarnya membuatkan anda lebih mudah didekati apatah lagi anda sedang bersendirian."
"6. Lupa menjaga tingkah laku dan adab sopan.
Kunci utama pada satu temu janji yang berjaya adalah senyuman. Tawan hatinya dengan pandangan mata. Biarkan dia 'memimpin' pentas pertemuan itu dan anda hanya menyuntik perkara-perkara kecil yang dapat membantu menghangatkan suasana.
Contohnya, andai si dia memesan pencuci kulit dan anda berkongsi menikmatinya, katanya: "Inilah kek coklat paling enak dan saya gembira awak memilihnya."
APEKAH?? Dah la artikel ni takde nama penulis. Nak cek sumber mana pon tak tahu, sebab rasenye ni sah2 cilok dari artikel asing (ada ke pompuan2 kt msia amalkan keluar sorg2 supaya ditekel??). Bace la sniri, kalau nak rase jugak mcm mana rasenye diperbodohkan oleh suratkhabar arus perdana ni.
Actually I didn't stop there. I kept reading it still coz I couldn't keep myself still without knowing any news in Malaysia. And then until 1 day, there was a news reporting a woman who had been robbed for her handbag that she hanged on the side mirror, while she was on her motorbike, and that she fell and caused serious injury to her head and she died in hospital.
And when I read inside, it was said that the police was still investigating the case; it could be that it wasn't a robbery case, instead it could be an accident since she was found lying on a nearby hump, and there was no witness.
So, why do you have to report it as A ROBBERY CASE on the front page when inside, you mentioned that the police WAS STILL INVESTIGATING the case?? Or was it me juz being silly?
And I had enough of being fooled by this newspaper. Dahla hari2 disajikan dengan berita2 politik yang tak pernah2 habes. Baik bagi nama Utusan politik je.
Marilah. Marilah berhenti membaca Utusan. Peliharalah keintelektualan kita.
*dah tu, nak bace suratkhabar mana? Malaysiakini pon pnoh dengan berita politik, malaysianinsider liputan x meluas..huhu
August 8, 2009
But today I got so many things to 'cool' about.....
I've been seeing a lot of cool things today as the result of googling here and there....
And they were so coollllll.......
Ohh the date for today is cool as well, it's 07/08/ innit?
And I'm eager to be amazed by another cool stuffs.....
It makes me feel coollll.....
(cool x aku merepek camni? :p)
*and seeing Yuna wearing very tight pants juz now was not really cool...
August 5, 2009
What I'll be missing: II
*Winter coats
Ohh..i think I'll be missing wearing them. Even though sometimes they were like a weight to carry on the body during cold/freezing times, but back in my humid and hot homecountry, I won't be using them anymore.
Unless..I wanna catchup with the latest trend, such as wearing maffler despite the hot weather..(what?) Yeah rece

No offense eh..if u not travelling to any winter countries, when are you gonna experience wearing them? haha wutever..It's good if u can accommodate to hot weather even by wearing layers..
Ohh can't wait to go back and put on my baju kurung and kebaya..
-since it's always windy here, I don't feel practical wearing them regularly.
August 2, 2009
No pain no gain in Spain
Nothing much to say here about the trip; I'll update later. Juz to share some sweet n sour experience while we were in Malaga, before departing to Granada. While we were waiting for the bus to Granada at the Estacion de Autobuses de Malaga (Malaga Bus Station), I was charging my camera battery in the toilet. At the beginning, I was waiting in the toilet. But then, I had to get my flip flop from them to perform ablution. I felt so lazy to unplug the charger and bring it outside and then get into the toilet again. Since I was thinking, if there were anyone (too stupid and mean) to steal it, it could be of not much use since it was just a battery, not even a camera.
Then I left it there, when nobody was in the toilet, and when I got to them (around 40m from toilet), they were asking me for qiblah direction. I was feeling worried since this was gonna buy me some time leaving the charger alone, but then I tried to use the compass quickly to find the qiblah. Then I got back to toilet quickly (after 2-3 minutes I guess) and tadaa..there was nothing on the plug!! My battery + charger + europe adaptor = all GONE!
Panjangnye citer..dipendekkan citer, camtu la..i think someone had just stolen it, in a nick of time..and he/she (should be she since it was a ladies toilet) could be planning on selling those items in black market (wutever!). Nothing much I could do. Once it's gone, it's gone.
I really couldn't say anything, I wasn't careless since I left them with my willingness and confidence. But, it happened. And all I could do was redha je la..I had no idea why I was so calm, but could be due to so many things I had to be patient of before, till I got no more upset feelings to spare for this sour experience.
Since that moment, my camera had stopped snapping photos :(
The sweet thing about it was that, there was this one fine Spanish guy that was really keen on helping me and felt really sorry for it (hehe). Well, he was helping me to translate my case to the security guard (since most Spanish don't speak English). But the guard couldn't help that much since no one had reported any missing item to him. And coincidentally, we were heading to Granada in the same bus.
I took some time to have a conversation with him at the Estacion de Autobuses De Granada. Found out that he was on his way to his campus somewhere 3 hours away from Granada. That explained why he could speak English - he's in univ/college doing art. Well his name was pronounced as Ghondia (I'm sure this spelling is wrong) and back to the missing item, he did ask at the information counter as well but no hope. At least, it did heal a bit to meet some decent bloke in Spain right? ;) He even suddenly popped out to offer help when we were getting into taxi (after we already left each other) but I said I already had the hotel's address.. =)
So that was when I last talked to him. Mucho gusto encantando!
On our last day in Spain, we headed back to Malaga bus station from Cordoba. Once again, I did try my chance looking for my missing items, but that left me in vain. It was like 4 days ago that I lost them and no chance of recovering them now.
My camera had not been functioning (without a battery) since then.
Now I'm back in UK, I got my spare battery, but still I need to look for the charger. All the best for me yea!