
October 31, 2009

Koya jap..

Some of Terengganu words that I am still fascinated by how they were created in the first place:

Koya pa ceroh = khayal sampai cerah (pagi) = berangan sampai tak sedar masa
*wei aku tanye dari takdi dok jawab bakpe, koya pa ceroh mu ning!

Dok ghok cetong = dok larat = tak larat
*aku dok ghok cetong doh ni, mitok tolong ngan oghang lain la pulok.

Dok tahu kale = dok tahu berkala = tak tahu apa2
*mu doksoh tanye die tu, dia memang dok tahu kale.

Tene (te untuk teh, ne untuk nenek) = petola

Takmboh = tak nak

Congek = senget / terangkat
*mat ghempit ni memang suke naek motor congek2, bahaye sunggoh la..

Bekok cobong = bengkak cobong = bengkak besar (biasanya untuk mata)
*wi la mainan ke adik tu pulok, bengok cobong doh mate die duk nangis daghi takdi.

Daghak ulu = darat hulu = orang yang darat la, mcm mane nk cakap ni?? Macam orang yang jakun sangat kot..
*KFC pong dok penoh pegi? Daghak ulu sungguh la..

Senyak tuppah = senyap tumpas = senyap sangat / terus senyap
*aku dok penoh cakak lagi ngan die tu, senyak tuppah dekpong, nok tego malah (malas).

*seriously it is harder to type loghat Terengganu, than to speak..because I think this accent is more to simplify the words to be spoken, clear examples are:

Wi = beri
Dok = dok
Dakyoh = tak payah
Doksoh = tak usah
Samah = 50 sen
Sutir = sebutir
Ya = ringgit (5 ya = 5 ringgit)
Ho = ya = ye / iyer (ho untuk hong kong, bukan jai ho)

Doh2 la tu..banyok sangak contoh kalau nok wi…

Pardon my language

My tongue is really twisted now, to speak normal Malay (language), Terengganu Malay and proper British English. Since I came back to UK, obviously I rarely speak English to anyone here because there is no demand for that. Except when writing (typing) like what I’m doing now. And also for the need to speak proper Malay – baku. I am enjoying speaking Terengganu accent now, the accent that I will not utter when I’m in UK coz I’m not used to using Terengganu accent when I’m not in Terengganu, even meeting the Terengganu people over there.

Because I was so used to speak ‘baku’, at first when I came back, my language was all mixed-up; baku + loghat Terengganu. Almost similar to tongue twister. And now, I realise that it is even harder to utter English that I was so used to sometime ago.. and I think my English overall is deteriorating and really need polishing..

One useful tip to share here, if you really want to improve your English in a non-english environment, all you really need is CONFIDENCE. Lacking of confidence will result in less use of English, improper use of some English words and poor quality of spoken English. Like me, the way I’m using my English now is more towards Manglish and I really should be cautious………