Di saat aku mengeluh kelaparan, teringat anak-anak orang miskin yang belum tentu ada makanan hari ini
Di saat aku mengeluh kepenatan, teringat pada pekerja-pekerja buruh kasar yang bekerja di bawah terik panas matahari
Di saat aku berasa jauhnya tempat parking kereta dari tempat kerja, dah la balik kompem jalan jem, teringat orang lain yang terpaksa bersesak-sesak dalam komuter, lrt atau pun bas ketika pulang bekerja
Kalau ikutkan, ada saja benda yang nak dirungutkan..tapi bila teringat yang keadaan aku adalah lebih menyenangkan sebenarnya, kupanjatkan segala kesyukuran pada Ya Rabbi dan tak jadi merungut..
Paling penting sekarang, aku masih ada 5 itu:
1) Sihat tubuh badan..cukup semua anggota..tak ada penyakit kronik. Setiap kali rasa malas dan lemah itu datang, aku teringat pada insan-insan lain yang hidup dengan bantuan tong oksigen, kaki dan tangan palsu, tongkat untuk berjalan mahupun kecacatan fizikal yang tidak dapat dibaiki, dan aku akan rasa malu pada mereka jika aku merungut pada fizikalku yang sempurna ini..
2)Kaya yang tak kaya mana tapi duit masih ada..masih boleh beli barang-barang keperluan. Tak perlu sampai ikat perut dan guna barang-barang ekonomi yang belum tentu kualitinya terjamin..dan setiap kali rasa tidak puas hati itu datang, aku teringat pada insan-insan lain yang masih menggunakan barang-barang dan pakaian lama sedangkan aku mampu membeli yang baru maka terhentilah rungutanku..
3)Usiaku yang masih muda, bertenaga dan segar..kadang-kadang rasa jugak macam dah tak muda bila asyik kene panggil kakak je kan, tapi bila kudengar rintihan dari yang tua-tua, aku ni muda sangat sebenarnya dan banyak yang perlu kukejar dan tanggungjawab yang perlu dilunaskan sebelum tua tiba dan mengurangkan kebolehanku..
4)Masa lapang yang masih ada..walaupun kadang-kadang rasa sangat sibuk sampai tak sempat buat perkara-perkara penting tapi tu semua tipu..semua orang ada 24 jam sehari. Dan waktu sempitku selalu datang tatkala aku leka dengan masa lapang yang tidak diuruskan dengan bijak..
5)Dan nafasku ini, membuktikan aku masih hidup, masih bernyawa untuk meneruskan tugasku sebagai hambaNya. Hari-hari kudengar berita kematian, banyak yang mati dengan cara yang ngeri; dibunuh, dilanggar, lemas dan sebagainya, dan sungguh aku takut. Tak mustahil suatu hari nanti giliran aku pula, cuma doaku biarlah aku mati dalam husnil khotimah, mati di jalan Allah, paling koman pun syahid kecil..mati ketika beranak ke kan tapi wallahua'lam..
Segala puji bagiMu Ya Allah, namun kutahu Engkau mahu hamba-hambaMu sentiasa berusaha untuk maju ke hadapan..kerana tiada siapa yang dapat mengubah nasib kami melainkan kami sendiri...
"Apabila kamu telah selesai dari suatu urusan, maka kerjakanlah dengan sungguh-sungguh urusan yang lain"
Surah Al-Insyirah, ayat 7
Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards ― Søren Kierkegaard
July 21, 2010
July 13, 2010
Why choose to be angry?
Why? It's just a CHOICE. So why don't we choose to be cool, and find a solution to that anger-awakening situation.I dunno if I'm really in the category of a patient person, but I find it hard for me to get angry (hope so). Thanks to people around me, they have showed me that patience can really reward sweet fruit, though it is bitter initially.
When we get angry, something is burning inside us that we can feel the heat. So before the heat turns into fire and burns everything around it, cool ourselves down by being patient and use our minds to control the angry emotion.
I had this experience going to this chinese acupuncture treatment. Before that, the doctor checked my blood pressure and tongue. She looked at my tongue, it was shaking with some dark spots. Her diagnosis was I kept holding back my feelings and not sharing it with others. She said if I had problems, juz let them out and feel happy again. I just smiled cause I didn't know if the diagnosis was right, but when compared to my friend, her tongue was not shaking and healthily pink...
Well she may be right to a certain extent, but what can I do. I can't express every bad thing I feel, for the purpose of maintaining good relationship and making sure everything is ok and under control. When I express dissatisfaction, it might cause tense in the atmosphere but when I hold back, it is bad for my health?? Oh..dilemma..
Nevertheless, my point is, to always be patient. Sometimes I know I am in the right position to get angry, but I am just not good at it anymore. I remember I scolded my juniors when I was in my high school because I was so angry and not able to hold it back. What happened next was they were shocked and I felt very bad that I realized nothing good could come out of being angry.
It will just burn you and people around you.

Sabda Rasulullah SAW yang bermaksud,
“Bukanlah orang kuat itu yang mempertontonkan otot dalam perkelahian, sesungguhnya orang yang kuat itu adalah orang yang mampu menguasai (emosi) dirinya pada saat ia sedang marah.”
(HR AI-Bukhari dan Muslim dari Abu Hurairah)
When we get angry, something is burning inside us that we can feel the heat. So before the heat turns into fire and burns everything around it, cool ourselves down by being patient and use our minds to control the angry emotion.
I had this experience going to this chinese acupuncture treatment. Before that, the doctor checked my blood pressure and tongue. She looked at my tongue, it was shaking with some dark spots. Her diagnosis was I kept holding back my feelings and not sharing it with others. She said if I had problems, juz let them out and feel happy again. I just smiled cause I didn't know if the diagnosis was right, but when compared to my friend, her tongue was not shaking and healthily pink...
Well she may be right to a certain extent, but what can I do. I can't express every bad thing I feel, for the purpose of maintaining good relationship and making sure everything is ok and under control. When I express dissatisfaction, it might cause tense in the atmosphere but when I hold back, it is bad for my health?? Oh..dilemma..
Nevertheless, my point is, to always be patient. Sometimes I know I am in the right position to get angry, but I am just not good at it anymore. I remember I scolded my juniors when I was in my high school because I was so angry and not able to hold it back. What happened next was they were shocked and I felt very bad that I realized nothing good could come out of being angry.
It will just burn you and people around you.

Sabda Rasulullah SAW yang bermaksud,
“Bukanlah orang kuat itu yang mempertontonkan otot dalam perkelahian, sesungguhnya orang yang kuat itu adalah orang yang mampu menguasai (emosi) dirinya pada saat ia sedang marah.”
(HR AI-Bukhari dan Muslim dari Abu Hurairah)
July 2, 2010
What's wrong with me??!!
The price of Suzuki SX4 is RM90k after I checked it in the website, but then I kept telling people its only RM70k.
I wanted to go to KLCC but asked for a ticket to Masjid Jamek, at the Masjid Jamek station itself. Twice, different days.
I was supposed to buy 5 cinema tickets but after leaving the counter, I just realized that I purchased 6 tickets.
I was looking for remote control on my right-left-right-left. I was actually holding it anyway.
I went to the management office of my apartment at 8.30am, just to realize that it actually opens at 9.00am - though I already checked the opening hours the day before.
I wanted to go to KLCC but asked for a ticket to Masjid Jamek, at the Masjid Jamek station itself. Twice, different days.
I was supposed to buy 5 cinema tickets but after leaving the counter, I just realized that I purchased 6 tickets.
I was looking for remote control on my right-left-right-left. I was actually holding it anyway.
I went to the management office of my apartment at 8.30am, just to realize that it actually opens at 9.00am - though I already checked the opening hours the day before.
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