I’m done with raya now. Eventually, this raya is not that bad at all. I was in gloom during Ramadhan, looking forward for my warm Eid celebration, each year overseas. Even though there are always people around you to celebrate eid, it will never be the same, celebrating raya with ur family, to get to kiss ur parents’ hand, to visit ur relatives’ houses, to try all range of biskut raya at people’s cribs, and... I better stop talking bout it, otherwise the sense of missing home will grow wilder n uncontrollable.
After all, true meaning of having Eid is to celebrate our success of fasting for whole Ramadhan.
“Saban tahun apabila berlalunya Ramadan, kita akan meraikan Aidilfitri. Kita raikan ia dengan Takbir, Tasbih dan Tahmid. Tetapi pernahkah kita dikunjungi tanda tanya, apakah sebenarnya yang kita raikan?
Sesungguhnya, yang kita raikan adalah hakikat diri kita sebagai seorang Muslim. Kita raikan anugerah terbesar pemberian Allah ini. Islam yang telah memuliakan kita, meletakkan harga diri kita yang tinggi dan Islam yang memelihara martabat kemanusiaan kita. Islam itu adalah Islam yang telah disempurnakan oleh Allah, Islam yang menjadi penyempurna nikmat Allah kepada kita dan Islam yang telah diredhaiNya sebagai jalan hidup. Pujilah Allah di atas nikmat ini.
“Segala puji bagi Allah yang telah memberi petunjuk kepada kami ke arah ini, yang tidaklah kami ini beroleh panduan hidayat jika tidak diberi petunjuk oleh Allah” (Al-A’raaf: 43)” – quoted from http://saifulislam.com/?p=315
Absence makes heart grow fonder. Hmm... I wonder how fond my family now of waiting 4 me to be there with them, to celebrate Eid together. Hahaaa... but the missing of having celebrating Eid with them, has left Eid happiness in my heart to empty. Which will be filled and redeemed some other time. Well, having celebrating Eid each year without variation will permit boredom to accompany u, yeah?*****
1st day Eid – Eid prayer at nearer mosque in Bradford, then headed to class as usual. Beraya to kak Ee’s crib
2nd day – open houses in Bradford
4th day – Eid in Dublin, Alisa’ new crib
5th day – Eid celebration at Malaysia Hall in Dublin. At nite, Eid party in RCSI

Will be to other open houses, if any ;) bet this my final year to celebrate Eid in Bradford. Hmm...
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